Degradation of Biodegradables

Where do Biodegradable Ecoproducts go?

All our products are 100% biodegradable and compostable.

Their life cycle does NOT end when they are disposed of. Instead, we manage to reactivate a circular economy through these products.

The following points are necessary for its correct disposal:

  1. Once you stop using the Ecoproducts, place them in your organic waste section.

  2. Organic waste is essential, it determines whether degradation will occur within the established time.

  3. All organic waste should be taken to a compost center.

  4. Here it undergoes a composting process, where organic waste is converted into fertilizer.

  5. When transformed into compost, it is used to plant corn, sugar cane and wheat.

  6. We take advantage of the natural process within organic waste, in this way our Biodegradable Ecoproducts are again transformed into biodegradable disposables.

Integrating the life cycle of our mother nature, within our biodegradable disposable Ecoproducts.

Now that you know, you can continue helping the planet with EcoMart Mexico